Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Defining Jargon

"Jargon is terminology that relates to a specific activity, profession or group. Much like slang it develops as a kind of shorthand, to quickly express ideas that are frequently discussed between members of a group. In many cases a standard term may be given a more precise or specialized usage among practitioners of a field. In many cases this may cause a barrier to communication as many may not understand."

That how, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia defines me. I create my own Jargon, whenever I need to, somewhat like create my own world with them. My own semi-real world, where I define the limits and non-limits.
When I say, semi-real, it means that somewhere into the defined realms it gives away and blurs into the real world. So, I exist in both of them. Defining me, the ways of existance ... so on and so forth.
That all, of my Jargonese, for now ...


asha said...

Jargon Jargon...
I cannot decipher much of it.
All i know is that we all need this thing to keep some people at a safe distance.

Hari said...

Jargon sucks. Period.

Jargon Z said...

@ mathew
Yeah. True.

P.S. Thanks for bring the very first commenter on this blog.

@ hari
Sweet. Oh, that's encouraging! ;-)